Monday, April 26, 2010

Home ♥

1CAV is finally on their way home. 

Donovan flew a Chinook to the dock and got it ready to be loaded on a boat to come back to Fort Hood, then sat around in Kuwait waiting. First he was waiting for more 1CAV guys to fill up a plane so they could leave, and then the volcano erupted. By that time I just laughed when I heard the reason for the most recent delay. Nevertheless, they found enough guys to fill a plane, and a way around the volcanic ash that was keeping them grounded and made it home! Tomorrow night is the last of the Main Body flights and then it is just the last few Soldiers on their way home.

Two of my good Army wives and I made this sign "your wife" and each of us used it at our own Welcome Home ceremonies so our Soldiers would be able to easily pick us out of the crowd and find us, which is much easier than the other way around, they all are all wearing the same thing.

Some banners we made at the last Bravo Company FRG meeting.

Welcome Home 1st Air Cavalry!

Emily welcomed her husband Phil home that same morning as me, about two hours earlier.

On a cloud. He is finally HOME!
Thanks to all who watched the ceremony online - I hope you saw us waving :)

1 comment:

Amy said...

The picture of you guys hugging made me cry. So happy for you both. Love from Cali...